原创G7 Field Trip 七年级实地考察项目 | 学以致乐的长隆物理探究之旅-当前播报

来源:互联网   2023-06-16 18:17:52

Field Trip



We are thrilled to share with you the unforgettable Grade 7 field trip to Chimelong Paradise, where our students embarked on a thrilling adventure into the world of physical science. This remarkable outing offered our young scholars a real-life application of the concepts they had been learning in their science classes, igniting their passion for scientific discovery.

很高兴与大家分享近日令人难忘的 7 年级长隆欢乐世界之旅(学校实地考察项目),带着对物理科学研究的热情,学生们在长隆度过了欢乐的探险时光。此次旅程无疑帮助了学生更加深入地理解了他们在课堂中学习到的物理知识理论是如何运用到现实生活中的,同时也进一步点燃了他们对科学观察的热情。

The foundation of this extraordinary trip began with our students designing and conducting their own experiment focused on speed, distance, and time calculations. Guided by their knowledgeable teachers, they skillfully identified the correct variables and crafted scientifically sound experiments, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Summer 2023

Once equipped with their newfound knowledge and experimental skills, our enthusiastic students eagerly ventured into Chimelong Paradise"s realm of roller coasters and attractions. The amusement park became their personal laboratory, allowing them to observe, describe, and analyze the fundamental principles of physical science in action.


Acceleration, forces, inertia, and general motion took center stage as our students experienced the exhilaration of the park"s numerous rides. From the heart-pounding drops of the gravity-defying roller coasters to the mind-boggling twists and turns, every moment was an opportunity to witness and appreciate the forces at play. The students were not merely spectators but active participants, engaging their senses and minds in an immersive learning experience. Under the watchful guidance of our dedicated teachers, the students keenly observed the physics behind each thrilling attraction. They enthusiastically discussed the role of acceleration and its effects on the human body during rapid changes in speed. They marveled at the forces that allowed them to loop upside down and explored the concept of inertia as they experienced the resistance to changes in motion.




As we reflect on this remarkable field trip, we are reminded of the power of hands-on learning experiences. By connecting classroom theories with real-life applications, our students not only deepened their understanding of physical science but also developed a passion for scientific inquiry that will stay with them for years to come. Once again, we would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all those who made this field trip a resounding success. With the continued support and dedication of our teachers, parents, and the entire school community, we are confident that our students will continue to thrive and become the scientists and innovators of tomorrow.



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